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Saturday 20 January 2024

MCQs of Solid State Physics

Top Most Exams Related MCQs of Solid State Physics With Answers Are:

The branch of Physics that studies theoretical and practical applications of investigations in the behavior of the solid state is known as Solid State Physics. For example, photoconductivity, superconductivity, and also ferromagnetism. 

MCQs of Solid State Physics

One point is that in 1940 the American Physical Society separated the Physics part in Solid State Physics. It is the main branch of condensed matter physics.

MCQs With Answers Are:

1) How many _____number of atoms are present in the face-centered cube?

a) 3

b) 4

c) 5

d) 6


2) In ionic solids the melting point is ____

a) high

b) very high

c) low

d) very low

   Answer( b)

3) Sodium Chloride is what type of solid_____

a) covalent bond

b) metallic bond

c) ionic bond

d) molecular bond

   Answer( c)

4) Quartz is what type of solid____

a) covalent bond

b) metallic bond

c) ionic bond

d) molecular bond


5) How many_____ atoms are present in the unit cell of the body-centered cube?

a) 2

b) 4

c) 6

d) 8


6) In given what is _____ is the covalent compounds that conduct the electricity.

a) Diamond

b) Graphite

c) Silicon

d) Germinium


7) The ionic compound conducts electricity in_____

a) in solid state

b) when dissolved in water

c) in the gaseous state

d)  when dissolved in alcohol


8) When a semiconductor is extrinsic then Hall voltage is _____

a) constant 

b) zero

c) one

d) no effect


9) For what purpose the Hall effect is used____

a) Electric field

b) Magnetic field

c) both

d) Carrier concentration


10) In FCC lattice the packing fraction is____

a) 0.32

b) 0.54

c) 0.62

d) 0.74


11) In primitive cells the number of lattice points is _____

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3



12)  Crystal structure is formed with the _____

a) Basis

b) Space lattice

c) both

d) nanostructure


13) In a primitive cell the number of atoms present in____

a) faces of unit cell

b) corners of unit cell

c) body center of unit cell

d) all of these


14) Diamond crystal has a packing density____

a) 34%

b) 52%

c) 68%

d) 74%


15) NaCl crystal are_______

a) BCC structure

b) FCC structure

c) HCP structure

d) both a and b


16) The crystal does not have ____ fold symmetry.

a) three

b) four

c) five

d) seven


17) In diamond the bonding_____

a) trigonal

b) tetragonal

c) tetrahedral

d) hexagonal


18) In Vander Waals the melting point is _____

a) lowest 

b) highest

c) normal

d) medium


19) The bonds in Vander Waal are____

a) weakest 

b) strongest 

c) normal

d) active


20) Lattice vibrations are Transverse and Longitudinal is true or not___

a) True

b) False


21) Dulong and Petit's law stop to describe_____

a) velocity

b) low temperature

c) high temperature

d) both b and c


22)  In lattice the small group of points is ____

a) space lattice

b) point lattice

c) pattern lattice

d) superlattice


23) In lattices the space lattice is____

a) finite

b) limited

c) infinite

d) none of these


24) In three dimensional the type of lattice has possible numbers are____

a) 4

b) 12

c) 14

d) 16


25) The crystalline solid is____

a) sugar

b) glass

c) plastic

d) both a and b


26) What is the given example of the covalent solid___

a) iodine

b) silicon

c) oxide

d) sulfur


27) In the following which is ionic solid_____

a) KCl

b) TiO2

c) NaCl

d) All of the above


28) The _______ is non-polar in solid or molecular.

a) O3

b) Cl2

c) Hid

d) OC3


29) In hcp the packing efficiency is ______

a) 60%

b) 74%

c) 78%

d) 82%


30) The light energy is transferred to electricity_____

a) cathode 

b) anode

c) photodiode

d) both a and b


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Friday 19 January 2024

MCQs of Classical Mechanics in Physics

 Top Exams Related MCQs of Classical Mechanics in Physics With Answers Are:


MCQs of Classical Mechanics


  The branch of mechanics that explains the motion of macroscopic objects, is known as Classical Mechanics. This is also called Newtonian Mechanics. The movement or motion of the bodies in the forces influence or balance the bodies of all forces. 

MCQs With Answers Are:

1) What type of motion describes the Classical Mechanics______

a) Elements

b)Microscopic Objects 

c) Macroscopic Objects

d) All of these

  Answer (c)

2) The object acceleration depends on_____

a) Velocity 

b) Net Force

c) Mass

d) Work done

   Answer (c)

3) Between two masses the gravitational force is _____

a) Infinity

b) Zero

c) Repulsive 

d) Attractive


4) The branch of physics that explains the conditions of rest or motion of the bodies with the action of the force around us is known as _____

a) Solid State

b) Mechanics

c) Laser

d) Electronics

  Answer (b)

5) The First Law of Newton Motion is suitable for_____

a) Potential particle

b) Rest particle

c) Free particle

d) Moving particle

  Answer (c)

6) The Langrange's bracket is _____

a) Canonical variant

b) Canonical invarient

c) Variant and Invarient

d)  Both a and b

   Answer (b)

7) The generalized momentum is _____

a) Canonical momentum

b) Conjugate momentum

c) both

d)Lagrange momentum

  Answer (c)

8) What will be Hamilto 's equation _____ if there are three generalized coordinates.

a) Four

b) Five

c) Six 

d) Eight

  Answer (c)

9) The point that restricts the motion of the system is known as_____

a) Generalized Coordinates

b) Constraints

c) Degree of freedom

d) All of these

  Answer ( b)

10) What type of _____order differential equation is used in the Lagrangian equation of motion.

a) zero

b) first

c) second

d) third

  Answer (c)

11) We use Poisson brackets to solve the ____

a) Equation of the motion

b) Hamiltonian Function

c) Lagrange Functions 

d) Integral motion

  Answer (d)

12) In what of _____ space we use the Poisson bracket operation.

a) Hilbert space

b) Phase space

c) Configuration space

d) both a and b

  Answer (b)

13) For the conservative system relation_____ Hamilton's principle function S and its characteristics function W are related.

a) S = W+ ET

b) S =W - ET

c) S= WT+ E

d) S= WTS

   Answer( b)

14) You select the type____ of  Canonical Transformation is.

a) Point transformation

b) Simple transformation

c) Prince transformation

d) All of these

   Answer( a)

15) First theorem of Poisson states that _____

a) [h, H]=0

b) [u, H]=0

c) [p, H]=0

d) [h, u]=0


16) The canonical transformation is inverse in what ____

a) canonical

b) Non-canonical

c) Identical

d) Conservation

   Answer (a)

17) Who introduce the concept of the Poisson bracket ____

a) D.S. Poisson

b) C.D. Poisson

c) S.D. Poisson

d) G.C. Poisson


18) The process in which one of the particles is resting and on the other hand the other particle is moving is known as ____

a) Mass coordinate system

b) Velocity coordinate system

c) Accelerate coordinate system

d) Laboratory coordinate system

  Answer (d)

19)  The length of the Tensile strain is what in the following_____

a) Extension per unit length

b) Extension per unit volume

c) Force per unit area

d) None of these


20) Which type of wave is said______ to be the Stationary wave.

a) Progressive waves

b) surrounding waves

c) static waves

d) standing waves


21) The low parcels in Lagrangian approach follow the____

a) Density field

b) pressure field

c) velocity field

d) Mass field


22) The particles of the Constraints are move ____

a) area of velocity

b) on the surface

c) surface tension

d) none of the above


23) The total energy of the system is known as ____

a) Lagrangian

b) Hamiltonian

c) Transformation

d) Constraints


24) The Lagrangian Formalism is the binary operation of _____

a) Hamiltonian

b) Transformation

c) Poisson bracket

d) both a and b


25) Around the Sun all the planets are moving in orbit____

a) elliptical

b) circular

c) both

d) parabolic


26) When constraints are stationary then it is known as____

a) Rheononomic

b) Scleronomic

c) Glanonomic

d) All of these


27)  As you know the n-dimensional space is_____

a) real

b) zero

c) configuration

d) solar


28) How many degrees of freedom in a rigid body____

a) two

b) four

c) six



29) For N particle space the degree of freedom____

a) N

b) 2N

c) 3N

d) 4N


30) In the Poisson bracket the constant C and function F is always ____

a) constant

b) one

c) zero

d) non-zero


31) How many fundamental types of Poisson brackets_____

a) three

b) four

c) five

d) six

   Answer (a)

32) What is following the Hamiltonian function :

a) H= T-V

b) H=T+V

c) H=T/V

d) H= TV

   Answer( b)

33) The angular momentum is constant whether the net torque is _____.

a) Minimum

b) Maximum

c) zero

d) constant


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MCQs of  Quantum Mechanics in Physics


Saturday 13 January 2024

MCQs of Quantum Mechanics in Physics

  Top Exams Related MCQs of Quantum Mechanics in Physics With Answers Are:

MCQ's of Quantum Mechanics



Friday 12 January 2024

Nuclear Physics: Types, Applications and Details

The history of nuclear physics starts with atomic physics at the discovery of Radioactivity in 1896 by Henri Becquerel when they studied phosphorescence in salts of uranium. 

What is Nuclear Physics?

The branch of physics which deals with the atomic nuclei, interactions, and their constituents. This is a scientific discipline in the formation, stability, and structure of the nuclei.

 The main purpose is the fundamental of nuclear forces, between neutron and proton there is complex interaction in nature. 

Figure1.1 Nuclear Physics


Some examples are fission, fusion, and radioactive decay, For understanding nuclear fusion the sun is the best example. 

Types of Nuclear Physics:

  1. Nuclear Decay
  2. Nuclear Fission
  3. Nuclear Fusion

1. Nuclear Deacy:

 Nuclear decay is also known as Radioactive decay. It occurs at the time that the nucleus of an atom is unstable and continuously or spontaneously emits energy in the radiation form. And the conclusion is that changes the nucleus into the nucleus of one or any other of the elements. The daughter nuclei are more stable and have a lower mass than that of the parent nucleus. 

2. Nuclear Fission:

At the time that the nucleus of an atom is split into nuclei that are lighter across a nuclear reaction, this procedure is called Nuclear Fission. Naturally, this decay spontaneously splits with the process of radioactive decay, stimulated in a lab with the processing of achieving the required conditions.

Figure1.2 Nuclear Fission

3. Nuclear Fusion:

The procedure by which type of two light atomic nuclei combine together to form a single form that delivers a lot of massive amounts of energy. In a state of matter, the fusion reactions that take place are known as Plasma

Applications of Nuclear Physics:

Some important applications  are below:

  1. Nuclear Energy
  2. Radiation Therapy
  3. Nuclear Batteries
  4. Nuclear Medicine
  5. Particle Accelerators
  6. Nuclear Astrophysics
  7. Nuclear Fusion Research
  8. Radioisotopes

1. Nuclear Energy:

To generate electricity the nuclear power plants equip the energy delivered during nuclear fission reactions. This is a comfortable and low-carbon source of power that gives a particular form of the electricity in world. 

Figure1.3 Nuclear Energy

2. Radiation Therapy:

This is a common treatment for patients with cancer. In cancer cells, high-energy ionizing radiation is directed to destroy their inhibit growth and DNA. For cancer treatment, it is very effective.

3. Nuclear Batteries:

This is also called Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs). To generate electricity use the heat produced from radioactive decay. We use this in remote locations, space missions, and medical implants in which the traditional power sources are inappropriate.

4. Nuclear Medicine:

In nuclear, it is an important application. This is used in radioactive isotopes to determine and treat several medical conditions. Techniques like as single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET) use radioactive tracers to view and detect the functioning of tissues and organs. 

Figure1.4 Nuclear Medicine

5. Particle Accelerators:

These are important tools in nuclear research. This is instrumental in modern our observation of the subatomic world, leading to groundbreaking physics discoveries. 

6. Nuclear Astrophysics: 

To understand the procedure that happens in stars and eventual fate, like as black hole formation and supernovae. In nuclear reactions, scientists study under extreme conditions to describe elements' origin and evolution of celestial bodies.

7. Nuclear Fusion Reaction:

It has virtually unlimited energy and is a potential future source of clean. The purpose is to dissipate the fusion reactions that power the stars and sun. delivering a fast amount of energy with minimum radioactive waste. 

8. Radioisotopes:

The self-occurring atrophying atoms in radioisotopes. In our daily life, this provides several uses in different parts of life. This consists of an unstable combination of protons, neutrons, and in the nucleus excess energy. 

Figure 1.5 Radioisotopes

Conclusion of Nuclear Physics:

As above we discuss nuclear physics, which has examples in our daily life, and also its types and applications clearly describe their process. Nowadays, industries that work on the process of this and also history are filling with the work of this and there procedures we study. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What kind of purpose do we study nuclear physics?

Not only for understanding but also for the famous form of the matter that we find out on the ground. and also after the Big Bang first case of this period's existence rather than neutron stars.

Q: Is the father of Nuclear physics?

Yes, His name is Ernest Rutherford. He explains the theoretical concepts of the atom and the procedure of the radioactivity

Figure 1.6 Ernest Rutherford

Q: For which purposes do we use Nuclear Physics?

In several cases, we use this:

  • In Military
  • In Medicine
  • In Industry
  • In Biology
  • In Material Engineering
  • In Archeology
  • In Geology, etc.

Q: Can you know the nuclear is a kind of quantum or not?

Actually, both are not the same. Both are different in their performance as nuclear physics is the definition or study of the atomic nuclei of their internal constituent. While quantum physics examines all the processes of the cosmos and microstudies. 

Q: As like father you know the mother of Nuclear physics?

In nuclear science, the first three stages of the life of women is the Marie Curie. She was the first woman who obtain the first Nobel Prize. Not only the first but also the second Nobel Prize in women is also obtained the Marie Curie on different categories of work. 

Figure 1.7 Marie Curie

Happy With Nuclear Physics!😇😇😎

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Saturday 6 January 2024

Laser: How its Work, Characteristics, Uses and its Applications

 History of Laser:

The first Laser was constructed by Theodore Maiman in 1960. At the place of the Hughes Research Laboratories as normally this is based on Theoretical work. 

What is a Laser?

The word Laser stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated  Emission of Radiation. The device emits light across a procedure of optical amplification that is based on electromagnetic radiation and stimulated emission. This is an unusual light source. Moreover, this is slightly different from flashlights and light bulbs. The narrow beam of light is produced by Laser.

How Its Work?

As with waves light travels, and in between the peaks of a wave the distance is called Wavelength

Wavelength of laser

It has different wavelengths in every color of light. For instance, blue light has a smaller wavelength than that of red light. Sunlight and some form of light are typically associated with the Lightbulb. Its wavelength is also different. When we see with our eyes that is the wavelength mixture like white light.

Different laser ocures. But in nature, Laser does not occur. This special type of light we create artificially. Lasers generate a narrow beam of light where all waves of light have the same wavelength. So these light waves travel together with peaks all of these that are in phase or lined up. Due to this reason, beams are very bright, and narrow, and on the tiny spot it focused. 

This type of laser is not spread but they focus at a particular point. And travel very long distances. In the small area, all this focuses or concentrates with a lot of energy. 

Characteristics of Lasers:

We divide the characteristics of Laser into four categories:

  • Superior Monochromatism
  • Superior Coherence
  • Superior Directivity
  • High Output

The characteristics of Laser are used in several fields like as defence and optical communication. 

Uses of Laser:

  • When firstly the Laser was invented this is known as a solution looking for a problem. They are ubiquitous and used in several applications for various purposes. 
  • In industries Cutting tools that use CO2 Laser are mostly used in them. It is easy, and precise, unlike knives, and does not require sharpening.
  • Laser Spectroscopy.
  • This is used in the Laser finding Range and Surveying.

Applications of Laser:

Important applications of Laser are:

  1. Lasers in Industries
  2. Lasers in Medicine
  3. Lasers in Military
  4. Lasers in Astronomy
  5. Lasers in Holograpy
  6. Lasers in Ranging
  7. Lasers in Chemistry
  8. Lasers in Biology
  9. Atmospheric Optics
  10. Lasers in Communications

1. Lasers in Industeis:

Lasers are used in electronic industries. This is used for trimming the components of Integrated Circuits, quartz, and cut glass. In addition, it is used automotive industry for heat treatment. For the photolithography, the ultraviolet lasers are utilized in the semiconductor industries. 

2. Lasers in Medicine:

To destroy kidney stones Lasers are used. For the bloodless surgery, the Lasers are used. For therapy and cancer diagnosis the Lasers are used. To create plasma Lasers are used.
 And also for the production of chemical reactions Lasers are used. Tumors are successfully removed with the help of Lasers. In addition for eye lens curvature correction, the Laser is used.

3. Lasers in Military:

In LIDAR to correctly measure the distance to an object, Laser light is used. To determine the distance of an object is also found with the help of laser range finders. To dispose of the energy of a warhead by harming the missile for this purpose the Laser is used. 

4. Lasers in Astronomy:

In radio telescopes to interchange and increase their range of observation and i9n amplification of quick faint radio signals from space, Lasers are very useful for this purpose. Generally,  the recording of the burst of light and from the star's radiation waves are used in the Lasers applications.

5. Lasers in Holography:

In holography spatial coherence and high monochromaticity are used as the properties of the Laser. It is a device for recording information from the three-dimensional object in a process in which the three-dimensional image is possibly reconstructed. Simultaneously the large number of bits are read and recorded in holographic memory. 

6. Lasers in Ranging:

In finding the correct position of a distant object and measuring the shape and size of your object and also its orientation Lasers are used. The velocity of moving objects we measure that are useful in Lasers. To monitor the remote environment Laser Fluouresensors are used.

7. Lasers in Chemistry:

In Chemistry are used in various ways we nextly discuss. Fabrication and Microelectronic designing. Photochemical reactions and triggering chemicals. The chemical bonds that exist in nature are also studied in the Laser. More for the separation of Isotopes is also included.

8. Lasers in Biology:

In biological and biomedical samples, Lasers are very useful in micro Raman analysis of spectroscopic. For obtaining the scattering spectra in a vast range of biological materials Argon-ion lasers are used for this purpose. 

9. Atmospheric Optics:

For remote examination of the atmosphere the Laser is used and for that it involves measurement of traces of temperature, water, pollutant gases, and vapor concentration, etc. For the distribution of atmospheric pollutants in several vertical sections laser radar is used because this provides.

10. Lasers in Communication:

In transmitting a large volume of signals above long distances lasers are very useful. The communication capacity of light is typically 10^6 or maybe greater rather than the typical microwaves. In communication with rocketry, Earth satellites, etc we use the Laser.

Conclusion of Laser:

As in above we completely discuss the Laser, its working, uses, and also its applications that we discuss.  Moreover, in nature, lasers do not exist then the other of the light that scatters or spreads the light. While Laser focus on the small area of the path they follow and are not spread.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is Laser color and also why show this color?

Normally, starting about the 635-nanometer wavelength shows an orange-ish color. Simply, red-orange color is generated due to laser diodes are simply obtainable in these colors.

Q: In which country was the first laser created?

In California, the Hughes Research Laboratory first created the laser. 

Q: In Laser which color is more strong?

The blue and violet color is more strong in the spectrum than the green color.

Q: Do you know the disadvantages of a Laser?

Yes, I know that Laser cutting involves:
  1. Fumes and dangerous gases
  2. Material thickness it has limitations
  3. Upfront price
  4. Consumption of High-energy

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Friday 5 January 2024

What is Nanostructures? With Types, Examples and Classification in Details

What are Nanostructures?

Nanostructures are the structures that material consists of the range 1 to 100 nm. Generally, the electrons are confined to a minimum of one dimension. The structure between the intermediate size of microscopic and molecular structure.


 While the other of the dimensions are move-free in all dimensions. Generally, it is generated as the by-product of the reactions in the combustion, and its production across the engineering happens in particular functions. 

Classification of Nanostructure:

This is classified into four kinds that depend on their dimensions size:

Classification of 0D, 1D, 2D, 3D

Types of Nanostructure:

Nanostructure has many chemical, physical, optical, mechanical, biological, and magnetic properties. However, there are four types here we discuss:

  1. Carbon Based Materials
  2. Metal Based Materials
  3. Composites
  4. Dendrimers

1. Carbon Based Materials:

It consists of many carbons, that form hollow spheres, tubes, or ellipsoids. Ellipsoidal and spherical carbon nanomaterials are from as fullerenes, rather cylindrical are known as nanotubes. In this regard, many of the applications involve improved coatings, films, lighter, and stronger materials etc.

Structures of Carbon

2. Metal-Based Materials:

This involves nanogold, quantum dots, metal oxides, and nanosilver like titanium dioxide. The quantum dot is a nearly packed semiconductor crystal that consists of hundreds and thousands of atoms, that have some nanometers to some hundred nanometers. Alternating the size of quantum dots alters their optical properties. 

3. Composites:

This is the combination of the nanoparticle with some other of the larger, nanoparticle,, and maybe the bulk type of materials. Nanostructures, like as nanosized clays, that are we add and packaging materials of the auto parts, to increase mechanical, barrier, flame-retardant, and thermal properties. 

4. Dendrimers:

From branched units, the nanosized polymers are built from this that are present in the nanomaterials. The dendrimer surface has several chain ends, that has that have particular chemical functions. For catalysis it is useful. This is due to three-dimensional dendrimers having interior cavities that place the other molecules, which is good for drug delivery.


Examples of Nanostructure:

  1. Quantum Dots
  2. Nanoscale Materials
  3. Nanoscale Optics
  4. Nanoelectronics
  5. Nanomechanical Systems

1. Quantum Dots:

The quantum mechanical property in the Quantum Dots that are semiconductor nanoparticles. In addition, they are utilized in the quantum dot laser, quantum dot displays,  and also in quantum dot photodetectors, etc have all of the applications in electronics and optics. 

2. Nanoscale Materials:

Nanostructure enables the generation of novel materials with particular properties. For instance, in exceptional thermal and electrical conductivity, carbon nanotubes are exhibited, creating value in electronics and materials science. 

3. Nanoscale Optics:

The survey of optics shows the interaction of nanoscale structures with light. This causes the development of the Nanoscale optical structure or devices that involve waveguides, and plasmonic antennas for utilization in sensing and telecommunications.

Nanoscale Optics

4. Nnanoscale Electronics:

Nanostructure is reorganized electronics by the capability of the reduction of electronic components. This enables the development of quick and more energy-efficient electronic equipment or devices.

5. Nanomechanical Systems:

Nanostructure is capable of the generation of nanoscale mechanical systems, like as switches and nanomechanical systems. These types of equipment have applications in specific sensing and measurements. 

Properties of the Nanostructure:

Some properties are as:

  • Surface energy is high
  • Surface atoms have large fractions
  • In bulk materials that do not exist to reduce imperfections
  • Moreover, it has spatial confinement

Conclusion of Nanostructures:

The Nanostructure is the structure that has a particular surface area, happening in the quantum size that shows the conclusion in the brilliant absorption beneath the VIS and UV regions of the spectrum in the solar. The device of fabrication is useful in the nanostructure. 

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