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Saturday 21 October 2023

What is Compton Scattering or Effect? Applications, Equations and its Probabiltiy

 How Studied and History of the Compton Effect?

In 1922, Arthur Compton studied this effect. Through the study, he found that the wavelength一 is not based on the intensity of incident radiation. Moreover, for discovery of the Compton effect was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1927.   Actually, this is based on the wavelength of the incident beam. And following mathematical form is given:

λs -λo = h/moc (1 - cosӨ)


λs and λo are radiation spectrum peaks

h/moc are Compton wavelength of the electron

mo is the rest mass of the electron

Ө is the angle at the radiation scattered

What is Compton Scattering or Effect?

Compton Scattering is also known as the Compton Effect. This enhanced the wavelength of X-rays and many more of the electromagnetic radiations that are energetic and elastically scattered by the electrons. The radiant energy is absorbed in matter in the principal way. 

Derivations of Compton Effect or Scattering Equations:

Let the elasticity collide between an electron and a photon the derivations are as follows:

                                         Pf.Pf = Pf Pf cosθ               1.1

                                 Ef + moc^2 = Ef + E         1.2      


                                  Pf = Pf + P

Next squaring equation 1.2

             [ ( Ef - Ef) + moc^2 ]^2 = E^2

Next, we substitute E^2 and divide c^2 on both sides

             (Ef/c -Ef/c)^2 + 2moc (Ef/c -Ef/c) = p^2

               next is written as

               (pf -pf)^2 + 2moc (pf-pf)= p^2

More solutions are:

( pf-pf )^2 + 2moc (pf-pf) = pf^2 + pf^2- 2pfpfcosΘ

1/pf -1/pf = 1/moc (1 -cosΘ)

λs -λo = h/moc (1 - cosӨ)

Applications of Compton Scattering:

  • It is of prime importance to radiobiology as this happens because the most probable interactions of high-energy X-rays have atomic nuclei that are applied in radiation therapy. 
  • More in material physics, the Compton effect is utilized to probe the wave function of the electron in momentum in matter representation. 
  • In gamma spectroscopy, the Compton Scattering is an important effect. 
  • That gives rise to the Compton edge, accurately for gamma rays to scatter out used detectors.
  • In addition, Compton suppression is utilized to identify stray scatter gamma rays to combine this effect. 

Probability of Compton Scattering:

  • This is directly used as:

  the outer shell of electrons in number, i.e: the electron density

the material has a physical density

  • It is very weakly based on:

  photon energy, proportionally constant above the range 10-600keV^1

  • This is not based on or depends on:

 The atomic number unfortunately pairs production and the photoelectric effect

On the other hand, the probability of the Compton effect is based on the absorbing material and the number of electrons per gram. Approximately the elements are the same 3 x 1023

Across the element of hydrogen, which has neither neutrons in its nucleus the electron density that has all the element's approximation  6 x 1023 

 So, the Compton scattering or effect is not based on the atomic number of the absorber.

Conclusion of Compton Scattering:

The conclusion of Compton scattering or effect is that high energy photons are colliding with the target that releases loosely electrons bound from the outer shell of the molecules or the atom. The scattering of the X-rays is observed from the elections.

 Happy with Compton Scattering!



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