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Saturday 25 November 2023

What is Zeeman Effect? Also with its Different Types and Physical Concepts

What is the Zeeman Effect? And How it is Observed:

In 1896, the Zeeman Effect was observed by the Dutch Physicist Pieter Zeeman. During the atom's place in an external Magnetic field, this is excited, in the deexcitation process the spectral lines emit and split into multiple components. These multiple components were set by their frequencies.

 The Zeeman Effect is the phenomenon where the atomic energy levels in a molecule split a large number of energy molecules under the magnetic field applied, resulting is that the splitting of the spectral lines association. Moreover, the splitting of the atomic lines involves two or more components in the existence of an intense magnetic field. 

What are the Physical Concepts of Zeeman Effects?

For Zeeman Effects the Supporting Physical Concepts are understood below:
  • Atomic Dipole Moment
  • The basic structure of atom and nomenclature
  • Transition of an electron in several states and selection rule
  • With external Magnetic field interaction of  atomic dipole moment
  • Distribution of this interaction in the total or overall energy of the atom
  • In terms of frequencies the emitted radiation interpretation
The multiple or several spectral lines in the magnetic field from the excited atom have the basic concepts that need to be described and understood. 

Types of Zeeman Effect:

There are two types of the Zeeman Effect:
  1. Normal Zeeman Effect
  2. Anomalous Zeeman Effect

1. Normal Zeeman Effects:

In Normal Zeeman Effects, the single-line emission from the excited state to the ground state we observe the transition of electrons when an external magnetic field is absent. Yet where the atom in the magnetic field is placed then we observe that:

  • When viewing two lines parallel to the magnetic field, these lines mean two lines are known as Sigma Lines. 
  • When three lines are perpendicular to the magnetic field, then the central line is known as the Pi Line. Rather the two extreme lines are known as Sigma Lines.
When an external magnetic field is strong compared to the internal magnetic field of the atom then Normal Zeeman Effects we observe. 

2. Anomalous Zeeman Effect:

Whther, the applied external magnetic field is weak next to the atom magnetic field are split the spectral line into multiple or several components. 

Applications of the Zeeman Effect:

1. Astrophysics:

The Zeeman Effect was first noticed the George Ellery Hale in Solar Spectra. The existence of strong magnetic fields in sunspots is indicating. Like fields are quite high in the order of 0.1 higher or tesla. While the normal Zeeman Effect is utilized to generate magnetograms that view the magnetic field of the Sun. 

2. Laser Cooling:

The Zeeman Effect is used in laser cooling applications many of which as Zeeman's slower and magneto-optical trap. 

Zeeman Effect Interaction:

The external magnetic field will apply a torque on magnetic potential energy and the magnetic dipole. Then results in 
                                                                   U(Ө)  =  -μ.B   
With the orbital angular momentum the magnetic dipole moment is associated is:

In the Z-direction, the magnetic field is given as 

Let the quantization of the angular momentum and nearly spaced energy levels from the zero field level by that 

The above displacement of the energy levels provides constant spaced splitting of the spectral lines that are known as the Zeeman Effect. In many cases, the Zeeman Effect contributes because the magnetic field also interacts with the electron spin magnetic moment. At the time of the Original experiment of the Zeeman Effect the electron spin had not been discovered, therefore this contributed to the anomalous effect. This is known as the ''Anomalous Zeeman Effect''. The Zeeman Interaction in general involves both orbital and spin momentum:
The Factors that we explain for producing the magnetic moment is effective is known as spin g-factor. The strong magnetic fields that coupling is breakout to approach in another. This strong field effect is called the Paschen-Back Effect

Conclusion of Zeeman Effect:

As the Zeeman Effect occurs in the process there is never a spin magnetic moment. Yet the magnetic moment of the orbit of an electron and the magnetic moment of the electron spin are also present in this case. This finding out that space quantization leads to splitting the electronic energy levels of the atom in many of the multiple components in the existence of an external magnetic field. More if you want to know about great working of Solar Cell.




Thursday 9 November 2023

Synchronous Counter: With Types, Applications and Explanations


What is Counter?

It is a device that can be counted in any specific event on the demand of means of several times the specific is happening. In computers or digital logic systems, this counter counts and supplies the number of times in which any of the specific processes are happening, based on a clock signal. In general, the type of counter is a sequential digital logic circuit with only the input of are single clock and outputs are multiple clocks. The clock pulse may be either decrease or increase the number.

Types of Counter:

  1. Asynchronous Counter
  2. Synchronous Counter

What is a Synchronous Counter?

It is a synchronous counter because the input clock of all of the single flip-flops in the counter are together all clocked at the same time by a similar clock signal. As the previous article we discussed the asynchronous counter is directly connected to the output of the counter to the input of the next coming counter and constructs the chain system. Because of this chain system propagation delay seems during the stage of counting and constructs counting delays. In simple words, the Counter is using a similar clock signal from a similar source at a similar time known as a Synchronous Counter

Types of Synchronous Counter:

Binar 4-bit Synchronous UP Counter:

  • As the external clock pulses are directly fed to each one of the J-K flip-flops in the chain of counter and either both of J and K inputs together tied in toggle mode, yet first flip-flop only,

  • flip-flop FFA is LSB are attached to High, logic 1'' enabling the flip-flop to toggle on each of the clock pulses. More the flip-flop FFB the inputs of J and K are attached directly to the QA of flip-flop FFA, yet in the flip-flops FFC and FFD the J and K inputs explain the distinct AND gates that are given with the signals from the input to output stage.
  •  Whether allowing each of JK flip-flops is a toggle that is based on either of all or not previous flip-flops the Q are outputs we give from the similar counting sequences like an asynchronous circuit yet without any ripple effect, in this circuit each flip-flop will clock the same time exactly.

Timing Diagram of 4-bit Synchronous Counter Waveform:

This is a sequential count of every clock pulse and finally, the outputs count upwards form of 0 (0000) to 15 (1111).  It is also known as a 4-bit Synchronous Up Counter. While the 4-bit Synchronous Down     Counter is easily capable of connecting the AND gates to the output Q of the flip-flops. When the counter starts all of its outputs are (1111) HIGH and in down counts each of the clock pulses is (0000).


Binary 4-bit Synchronous Down Counter:

It is formed by attaching flip-flops together and rather than any of the flip-flop numbers being attached or cascaded together to divide-by-n counters of binary, more the MOD or modules numbers are still applied like asynchronous counters as the Decade counter or BCD counter are from counts 0 to 2n-1 are constructed with sequences. This is necessary to increase the MOD count of the up and down synchronous counter which is an additional flip-flop and more of an AND gate through this. 

Decade 4-bit Synchronous Counter:

This is constructed for using the synchronous binary counters to generate a count sequence from 0 to 9. Its standard binary counter is transferred the decade means 10 decimal counters as required state. In addition, it reaches a count of ''1001'' and counter recycles back to its ''0000''. 

Triggering Counter:

Synchronous Counter utilizes edge-triggered flip-flops that alter states on any of the ''positive edges'' or the ''negative edge'' of the clock pulse on the input control final in the single count whether the input clock alters the state. Normally this increasing edge is low to high transition of the signal of the clock and the more the counters the count ripple on the falling edge which is a high-to-low transition of the signal clock.

Relevant Category is;

Advantages of Synchronous Counter:

  • Operation is Faster.
  • Through logic gates, the count series is controlled.
  • Neither propagation delay is linked with it.
  • Simultaneously this is work.
  • Synchronous design is simple as compared to asynchronous.

Disadvantages of Synchronous Counter:

  • They necessarily have large components and circuitry.
  • All of the flip-flops are explained across a common or single CLK signal.
  • In addition, this counter utilizes complex logic circuits and enhances a number of states.

Applications of Synchronous Counter:

  • Alarm Systems.
  • Digital Clock.
  • Motion control of the machine.
  • Pulse generators.
  • Motor RPM counter.
  • Rotating shaft Encoders.

      Conclusion of Synchronous Counter: 

As in above we completely discuss the Synchronous counter. It is made from the D-type flip-flops or Toggle. This is easier than the asynchronous counter. Due to the clock input of the flip-flop, it is a synchronous counter or at the same time all the clocked together in the same clock signal. Also of its common clock pulse, all of its output states are changed or switched simultaneously.

Happy With Synchronous Counters!😇😇😊😊

Most Frequently Asked Questions:

Q In a Synchronous counter of 4-bit how many states will occur?

Almost about the 2^4 = 16 states are in the 4-bit synchronous counter.

Q: In the Synchronous counter which IC is used?

All of the 4 flip flops are integrated into similar chips and also receive a similar clock pulse. The IC74163 is a fully programable binary counter because of its four in its inputs.

Q: Is Ripple counter also known as Synchronous Counter?

Yes, the Ripple counter is also known as the Synchronous Counter.


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